Dissapointing purchase
Delivery was very good. The installation instructions were a little confusing as it was only pictures, some quite small and had no written explanations included. Also the small UK part diagram was marked UK, but was in Russian. I had a small problem with heavy condensation forming on the control panel but eventually found that removing a plastic strip at the top of the machine allowed the door to close tighter. This was the strip that was itemized in Russian and was not sure if it was necessary or just a piece of packing. The machine washes well, but we find the cutlery tray time consuming and tedious to load rather than a traditional basket. The bottom basket seems to have not definite stop position when pulling out and can easily be de -railed when pulling out. The door, despite numerous weight adjustments is really far too stiff and heavy. All in all, if I had known these features before purchase, I would never had have bought this make or model, but unfortunately this is the price/gamble we have to pay nowadays when buying something blind, from a company you don't know, from a dealer you can't see. But for me it's too late now.
Neil Evans